Pediatric Dentists Proudly Serving Westford, MA, Families

If you need a pediatric dentist near Westford, Massachusetts, turn to the professionals at Smiles by Stylos Dental Health & Sleep Center. We treat patients of all ages from across the Greater Merrimack Valley, and we offer numerous children’s dentistry services, including pediatric dental checkups (cleanings and exams), fluoride treatments, sealants, fillings, braces, clear aligners, and emergency care.

The Benefits of Pediatric Dentistry

Did you know that the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) and the American Dental Association (ADA) both advise that children should begin visiting the dentist within six months after their first tooth erupts, but no later than their first birthday? They also recommend that families establish an ongoing relationship with a children’s dentist.  

Regular pediatric dental care is essential to a child’s overall health and well-being. Here are just a few reasons why:

  • Preventive dental care can minimize the risk of childhood cavities, which have been linked to missing school and having a lower-than-ideal body weight.
  • Children with healthy teeth find it easier to chew food and speak clearly.
  • In addition to performing any necessary treatments, pediatric dentists can teach children and their caregivers how to properly care for their teeth and provide advice on nutrition and habits affecting the teeth (e.g., thumb sucking).
  • Visiting the dentist during childhood can help reduce the chances of having dental anxiety later in life.

Schedule a Pediatric Dental Checkup

Does Smiles by Stylos sound like the right pediatric dentist for your family’s needs? Contact us today to schedule an appointment at our Chelmsford dental clinic, which is located close to Westford, MA. We’re open Monday through Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. for our patients’ convenience.