Sedation Dentistry Available for Patients in Lowell, MA

Does the thought of receiving dental treatment make you feel anxious? If so, you’re not alone. Dental anxiety is very common, but luckily, there’s a solution that can ease your worries and make visiting the dentist more comfortable than you ever thought possible: sedation dentistry. Smiles by Stylos Dental Health & Sleep Center—a reputable dental practice that’s been treating patients since 1987—proudly offers sedation dentistry services for residents of Lowell, Massachusetts, and other areas in the Greater Merrimack Valley.

Our Sedation Dentistry Options

At Smiles by Stylos, we offer the following two types of sedation dentistry:

  • Nitrous oxide sedation – Also known as “laughing gas,” nitrous oxide sedation alters pain and pleasure receptors, thereby producing a euphoric sensation. We’ll place a mask over your nose, which will deliver a mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen, helping you feel calmer within just a few minutes. Then, once we’ve completed your dental work, we’ll switch to administering pure oxygen. You’ll likely be able to drive yourself home from your dental appointment.
  • Oral conscious sedation – This type of sedation will cause you to feel groggy, and you may even fall asleep while we’re performing your procedure. We’ll prescribe you an oral medication, which you’ll need to take before your appointment. Because it can take several hours for the effects of this medication to wear off, you’ll need to coordinate a ride home.

Once our team has learned about your condition and your medical history, we’ll be able to recommend the sedation dentistry option that’s most appropriate for your needs.

Get Started With Anxiety-Free Dentistry

If you’re in Lowell, MA, and think you could benefit from sedation dentistry, contact Smiles by Stylos today. We’ll be happy to tell you more about our dental sedation services and arrange a time for you to visit our Chelmsford office, which is open Monday through Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.